Thursday, December 30, 2010

masa yang terluang

aq nak kongsi ngn korang la sapa-sapa yng tengok blog aq nie..apa yang korang buat diwaktu yang terluang..kalau aq..masa yang terlaung begini aq akan rehat kat umah sambil layan anak..lau suami aq besa la kerja terus..sampai tda masa nak luangkan masa dengan kami sekeluarga..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

countdown 2011

good by 2010, now we want to the new year..2011..more memories we leave on 2010. after this we want are new memories, more be successful in my life and also get a better life with my parents. hahahaha..good Bye 2010

Fish Sandal

hahaha..its very funny lorr.. this picture was tagged by my friend on facebook..i don't know where she get this photo..why u think about this picture..are u believed that one day, you  use this sandal pattern. ermm what happen that fish...maybe we can't eat fish anymore. we just meat and vegetables.hahhahaa